
About Cathy's Cottage

Welcome on my website. But before you read further, let me introduce myself. My name is Angela van Hoogstraten and I live in Vierlingsbeek.  My dogs are my hobby. Every day I work with them. Around my home, or I make long walks with them, go swimming or cycling. In the evening they are all enjoyable inside. So they are no kenneldogs! I train them to good listening, friendly house dogs and give them show training. Beside that, I go to dogshows with them, in which they obtain high scores. They are all examined by specialist clinics for patella luxation, and they have received a full eye enquiry (pra, cataract, etc.).

My Passion

My great passion is improving the breed. When I breed a litter, I try to make a combination as good as possible, in which a big number of factors are playing a part. Not only beauty is important, but  especially health and a nice character. I pay a lot of attention to exterior and movement. A well-built dog is a sight to behold and can consequently move well. In the 24 years I have been breeding now, I have learned a lot from watching horses, their build and movement. I breed according to the directives of the Jack Russell breed club, NVJRT, of which I’m a member of course. A few important points out of these rules are:

Official Jack Russell Terrier breeder

My kennel is approved by the Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in Holland and registered under number 37393. I have reached it by obtaining my professional skill diploma ‘Cynology Knowledge’ KKI and KKII, a training that educates for government recognized breeder.

The pups will be born at home and before they go to their new owners at eight weeks, they will be socialized as good as possible, and the first step towards a house clean dog has already been taken. I impress them on all kinds of daily things and let them get acquainted with other dogs of different breeds. I take them with the car, to the town, the wood and the lake. Of course you’ll get an official contract of sale, the pedigree, DNA-profile and the European pet pasport. The pups will be chipped, registered by the ‘Raad van Beheer’, examined by a veterinary surgeon, vaccinated and wormed.

I wish you a lot of fun on my site. If you have any questions about my dogs or about the jack Russell in general, don’t hesitate to call me or drop in after a telephonic appointment.

Of Cathy's Cottage

Jack Russell Terriër Kennel